Innovating Outside the 'Pizza' Box

Consumers purchase pizza for various reasons: convenience, flavor and sustenance. An overwhelming 70% of consumers agree pizza is a comfort food, and many remain loyal to a favorite brand. How can companies elevate their products to attract new customers? The answer lies in innovation, starting with the foundation of the pizza – its crust.
Research shows specialty crusts and premium ingredients generate the most interest among consumers:

Specialty Crusts also rank as the highest interest across all generations:

Increase interest in your specialty crust by incorporating innovative flours and providing a nutritional advantage to your consumers.
GPC’s Chickpea Flour CP100-S is gluten-free and offers distinctive nutritional benefits that can enhance specialty crusts. As a minimally processed ingredient, this steamed chickpea flour retains most of the nutritional properties found in whole chickpeas.
In addition to incorporating the benefits of chickpeas, other specialty crusts – such as high-fiber and lower ‘net’ carb pizzas – are also of interest. FYBRIN® RS F100 food starch-modified can be used at high levels to target these claims without compromising taste and texture.
Formulating Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts?
Both CP100S Chickpea Flour and FYBRIN® RS F100 perform well in gluten-free pizza crust applications. GPC’s Sensory Solutions group developed trial formulas using CP100-S in a variety of applications, including pizza crust, to assist in your product development process.

While takeout and frozen pizzas are convenient, some consumers enjoy making their own. This versatile formula is also perfect for a dry mix. Just add oil and warm water to the dry ingredients, mix well, and roll or press into the desired shape to make a delicious crust in minutes.
Innovating pizza crusts with specialty flours and premium ingredients offers a valuable opportunity to attract new customers and meet the evolving needs of consumers. By leveraging GPC’s CP100-S Steamed Chickpea Flour and FYBRIN® RS F100 food starch-modified, companies can deliver nutritious and high-quality pizza products that stand out in a competitive market.
Explore GPC’s innovative solutions at IFT First in Chicago, July 14th-17th
Click Here to Book an Appointment to Speak to a GPC representative at IFT.